Flask, JavaScript, SQL
- Uses Python extensively to deal with potential HTML injections and to handle any errors made when making POST or GET requests
- Uses Jinja templating to create a streamlined design
- Integrates AJAX requests to IEX Cloud's API on the quote.html page to dynamically generate stock symbols as the user types
- Communicates with a SQL database using the CS50 library to facilitate the commands
Express.js & Mongoose.js
Express.js, Mongoose.js, MongoDB Atlas, Chai.js
- Connects to a MongoDB Atlas database via Mongoose.js and accesses one model: Issues (/api/issues)
- Specific projects can be accessed from /api/issues/:project with the default project for the forms on the index.html page being "apitest"
- Supports GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
- All routes accept and process a wide variety of parameters (all the fields used for the Issues model, e.g. issue_title, issue_text, created_by, etc.)
Express.js, Mongoose.js, MongoDB Atlas, Chai.js
- Connects to a MongoDB Atlas database via Mongoose.js and accesses one model: Books (/api/books)
- Stores books titles and comments made about each book
- Supports GET, POST, and DELETE requests to the routes /api/books and /api/books/:id
- The POST request accepts a title and a comment while the DELETE requests accepts a Mongo DB _id number
Express.js, Mongoose.js, MongoDB Atlas
- Connects to a MongoDB Atlas database via Mongoose.js and accesses two models: User (/api/users) and Exercise (/api/exercises)
- Supports POST requests with forms to either create a username or create a log of an exercise (as long as a valid user id is provided)
- Handles three query parameters (to, from, and limit) for GET requests to the route /api/users/:_id/logs
Express.js, Mongoose.js, MongoDB Atlas
- POST requests are made with the lone form at the top of the page - the user must enter a valid website with a protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) at the beginning
- Connects to a MongoDB Atlas database via Mongoose.js with the model Url (/api/shorturls)
- Dynamically generates the list of URLs stored in the Url model on the bottom of the home page (using an EJS template)
Express.js, Chai.js
- Uses a Translator class to translate between the American and British dialects of English
- The Translator class uses regex and functional programming with arrays, i.e. the functions some() and reduce(), to parse text and translate it using a series of JavaScript objects that contain translations of words between dialects
- Performs unit tests on the Translator class and functional tests on the sole route /api/translate (POST requests are supported)
Express.js, Chai.js
- Uses a Sudoku Solver class to validate and solve a sudoku puzzle
- The solve() method uses a brute force algorithm in conjunction with recursion, passing a dictionary of indices mapped to an array of values with each call to the function
- Performs unit tests on the Sudoku Solver class and functional tests on the routes /api/solve and /api/check (POST requests are supported)
Express.js, Chai.js
- Converts between metric and imperial units (between any of the following units: km <-> mi, gal <-> L, lbs <-> kg) using a convert handler class
- Uses regex expressions to parse the user input for a valid number and a valid unit
- Runs unit tests on the methods of the convert handler class and functional tests that make GET requests to the /api/convert route (the only route)
- Shows the current unix and UTC/GMT time when the subdirectory /api/ is accessed
- Accepts a date parameter in the same subdirectory, converts it to either unix or UTC/GMT, and shows both dates in JSON format
Displays the ip address, language and internet browser information of the user
at its unique subdirectory /api/whoami
- Manages a timer with 3 components: 2 components for incrementing and decrementing the break and session time and 1 for pausing/playing the timer and resetting the timer to its initial settings: 25-minute session & 5-minute break
- Plays an 8-second alarm once the session is over and starts counting down the break
- Manages state with hooks and uses props to communicate between siblings, using the parent component ("App") as the liaison
React.js, Redux.js
- Uses React (class) components to create a drum pad with drums that can be triggered by clicks or the pressing of the corresponding keys (Q, W, E, A, S, D, Z, X, C)
- Plays drum sounds and displays active styles of the drum pad component that's triggered
- Utilizes Redux.js to manage the state of the power (on/off), which can be toggled by pressing the power button
Compiles in real time Markdown text to HTML elements using one React (class) component
Vanilla JavaScript
- Calculates expressions of strings containing digits, decimals, and any PEMDAS/BODMAS operator using formula/expression logic
- Employs a variety of data structures: (1) queues and stacks to simplify operations and (2) abstract syntax trees created with operator/operand nodes to process calculations
- Uses regex expressions heavily to process strings with chains of operators and erroneous uses of parentheses
- Contains many event listeners that process both keydown and click events in the same function
jQuery, HTML, SCSS
- Designed with a Desktop-first approach, but still includes mobile responsive styles
- Lots of toggle events, text replacement (even language translation), and background image resizing created with jQuery's standard library
- SCSS used extensively: nesting of blocks, color variables, and mix-ins for responsive design (laptop, small, and extra-small sizes)
- Supplements my résumé with more experience, education, and projects
- Shows a D3.js treemap diagram of top 100 videogame sales by console, movie sales by genre, and kickstarter pledges by category
- Uses pure D3.js for all formatting and rendering, i.e. all div and svg elements
- Makes AJAX calls for each data set when the corresponding button is clicked to dynamically regenerate the treemap according to the dataset
- Uses regular expressions to create tspan elements within the text elements
- Employs functional programming to link the tspan elements to the corresponding rectangle element so that the tooltip shows the correct information when hovering over a tspan element
- Shows a D3.js choropleth map of educational attainment by county in the USA from 2010 to 2014 constructed with D3 paths and topojson.js
- Uses only D3.js for all formatting and rendering (no CSS or HTML)
- Uses asynchronous programming when retrieving json files from two different urls (mapping paths data and educational data by county)
- Shows a D3.js heat map of global temperatures from 1753 to 2015 constructed with D3 rectangles
- Uses D3.js to create a custom tool tip and legend with its own gradient made of rectangles and its own axis
- Uses a conditional fill to show the relative variance in temperature based on the average for the time period 8.66°C
- Shows a D3.js scatterplot graph of the 35 fastest times of cyclists up the Alpez d'Huez
- Uses D3.js to create a custom tool tip and legend
- Uses a conditional statement to show the riders who were claimed to have been doped and those who weren't
- Currently has one HTML page introducing Japanese and another introducing Spanish
- Integrates a form, an image map (language "wheel"), and several pages with text and images
- Customized for responsive design, especially mobile and print formats
- A single-page Vanilla JavaScript reference page
- Includes many anchor and code elements throughout to offer users more than just an explanation
- Explores the underlying classes of HTML elements exposed by specific Vanilla JavaScript functions
- Utilizes media queries to create a responsive HTML page optimized for mobile devices; changes the layout for different screen sizes, i.e. a fixed side menu for large desktops to a small fixed menu at the top of the page for mobile devices
- A product landing page for a hypothetical tea company called TheaThyme
- Uses flex & absolute positioning to extensively format elements and fixed positioning for the navbar at the top of the page
- Employs media queries to optimize the page for mobile devices
- Uses CSS variables in a :root selector and the calc() function to format elements consistently
- An HTML survey form for a hypothetical platform that connects coders
- Integrates several <fieldset> tags with the <legend> tags, drop-down <select> menus, and <textarea> sections
- Pairs <label> tags with corresponding <input> tags
Java, C#
C#, Visual Studio Forms
- Utilizes many OOP concepts: custom exceptions and several try-catch blocks for error handling
- Allows user to perform CRUD operations with a list of employees in both a console and form format
Java, SQLite
- Communicates with a clients database file by way of a SQLite JDBC driver to support all CRUD operations via pathways A (add), M (modify), R (remove), and P (print)
- Creates and populates arrays to be manipulated by various sorting algorithms (bubble & insertion sort, java.util.Arrays sort) and searching algorithms (binary & linear search)
- The algorithms for bubble sort, insertion sort, and binary sort can search through an entire string to sort a list alphabetically (past the first letter)
- Before exiting a session, prints summary of actions performed in a session and shows the clients table before and after the changes
- Uses matplotlib's plyab interface to create graphs showing the population of a virus in a patient (with or without prescriptions and )
- Uses the random module to simulate stochastic events, e.g. reproduction of a virus, inheritance of resistance to specific drugs, etc.
- Integrates OOP concepts to solve a problem, e.g. the ResistantVirus class is a child of the SimpleVirus class
Swift, XCode
- Includes four different view controllers: home, BMI, locations, wellness today, heart rate
- The BMI calculator generates pop-up alerts after calculating one's BMI with the information provided
- The heart rate provides instructions for calculating one's heart rate along with a visual slider that shows the time elapsing in real time.